Lingfield Meeting Room

The Lingfield Room is at first floor level with an entrance from Lingfield Rd. There is no disabled access. The room can be hired on an hourly basis for a range of purposes (although there may be a restriction on noisy events due to the proximity of other users in adjoining rooms).

The room is adjacent to the exhibition gallery. The room measures approximately 26ft. x 20ft. (8m. x 6m) and has a high ceiling. Chairs and tables are available. It will seat approximately 30 people.

Due to a change in policy, there are now vacant times available to book the room on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays in the mornings and early afternoon.

Hire rates effective January 1st 2019

  • Regular users: £20.00 per hour – minimum 2 hours.
  • Casual users: £26.00 per hour – minimum 2 hours.

Enquiries: tel. Graham Martin on 020 8946 5223.


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